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Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Nettie
6/30/2008  7:57:00 AM
Jack MvGregor was my uncle and we just found out today that Bemil, his wife, died in February.; This means my mother, his sister, Agnes, is the last of the family and she is feeling very low. Does anyone have any video footage of Jack and Bemil dancing? My mum would love to see him dance again.
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by terence2
7/1/2008  1:04:00 AM
Am so sorry for your loss.

" Jock " was a very good friend of mine.. in fact.. I was the one that got him a sponsor for a work visa in the States back in 1963, whilst I was working in LA.
He later Judged for me in a comp. that I ran , and used to use my studio for lessons on occasion.

Many that do not know , and or have not seen he and Bemil dance, should know that they were one of the outstanding couples of the 50s, and made "finals " at pro level regularly .

There is old footage of some 50s comps, that crop up on U tube from time to time.. would venture a guess that they are on one of those

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